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Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:33 am
by sully
Dorgan replies I'm not sure how long ya think ya been gone but it's been months here. I sent them refugees along with some Templars from Maine. Bad choice. They got slaughtered by the gobbos in Ket. Still, I found mebbe a dozen fighting Men and another dozen townspeople that escaped. We've made the Abbey as safe as ya can, being this close to Ket. You're ok here for now.

The dwarf stops to collect his thoughts. The question is, can we bring any of the Company back from this other world? I dunno if Maine is gonna send any more troops but we can't sit on our hands any more. It's time to start chippin' away at the gobbos, and we can use all the help we can get.

Once you rest, can you bring the others back?

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:41 pm
by mgtremaine
Wen frowns, "I don't know Dorgan that's the honest truth. Right now we need some rest maybe things will seem less dire in the morning. I do know that if anyone can make it to that fortress and return it will be Dieter and the rest, I'm not not sure how much help we can even give at this point. But do tell us the date maybe we can get a better fell for the timeslip it might be useful."
Wen needs to rest and level and talk about spells and magic item and hit point and all that stuff. I would also like to do some calculations on the time difference because if we do want to go back to help we need to make a guess about how long it will take the group to go and start their return if we time it close we can show up as they are headed back to the ring... With whole lot of luck... Plus that way we can maybe go do something else and still have time to try and help.

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:46 pm
by sully
Dorgan makes sure the elves are fed and get living quarters.

Rest up and do what ya gotta. Then we can talk about the future. Our days here may be numbered but I really wanna see Gustave again.

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:15 pm
by mushgnome
Highbough completely ignores the Dwarf and sequesters himself in his chambers to focus on his magical studies.

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:24 pm
by sully
Dorgan mutters to himself "Ya only got chambers in the first place 'cause of me... grumble, grumble, get off my lawn..."

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:46 am
by waysoftheearth
We'll progress in "town time" until you're ready to dive into your next venture (a town turn works just like any other turn; you can opt for one main piece of business).

Turn 1
Wen "rests up" and achieves Hero/Spellbinder (4th/3rd) status.

Highbough conducts his research (I'm going to assume Warlocks can do this per magic-users) using his Exigent Secernment to identify two of the three artifacts recovered from the other side.

The mace is (1d100=64) a fierce-looking black thing with a silver-flanged head. It is surprisingly light to handle, and a nostrum weapon against the weremen known as Eorl's Wolfbane: the Ebonjack (2d6=?).

The slender ivory baton is (1d100=34) the recondite Rimenip (having the functions of a Wand of Cold).

Dorgan had no specific orders, although he does have a household to run. I'll assume he has had time to "rest up" in the preceding weeks, so he's already achieved his Armiger status; the only rank more respected among dwarfs is Captain.

I'll also assume that Dorgan has established a couple of basic lookout posts, a quarter mile out from the abbey in two directions, and a watch rotation during the day. It's too dangerous to leave men outside the walls by nights; werewolvles an' ogres ya know. While Dorgan is actively running the household I won't bother with a loyalty/reaction check; he has everything in hand.

What orders for turn 2?

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:58 am
by mushgnome
Highbough emerges from his chambers with a swish of his cloak. "You there! Dwarf! Dinkle or Drogon or whatever your name is... have you any skill with a mace? I need you to follow me around and 'smash' werewolves with this, when I tell you to." (Indicating the Ebonjack.)

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:18 pm
by mgtremaine
Wand of Cold heck yeah!
I'm un sure on the current spell set up are By the book or back to making spells up?

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:14 am
by sully
mushgnome wrote:Highbough emerges from his chambers with a swish of his cloak. "You there! Dwarf! Dinkle or Drogon or whatever your name is... have you any skill with a mace? I need you to follow me around and 'smash' werewolves with this, when I tell you to." (Indicating the Ebonjack.)
Dorgan frowns deeply. I go my own way, elf. Find another lackey.
Doesn't that duplicate what we think are the powers of Mads Cold Iron Axe anyway?

Re: (081) Journeymen Returned

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:43 am
by mushgnome
Highbough watches the dwarf waddle off and says to Wen, "What a grumpy little fellow! He almost reminds me of that Dorgan character who died drinking the poison, heh heh, remember him? What about you, Young Wen, do you know how to swing a mace?"