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(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:06 pm
by waysoftheearth
billhooks wrote:
What exactly are we looking at? If there's a clear path to the catacombs with noteworthy landmarks, Victor will simply make an effort to memorize it.

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:11 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Victor focusses on the document before him.

He sees the general gist of it almost immediately, although it is not exactly obvious whether Ket is represented on the illustration.

It is a detailed drawing of a region of forested crags and mountains, indicating water courses, roads and trails, and highlighting numerous localities which look to be farmsteads, travellers stops, bridges, castles, ruins, caves, and other oddities. In all, there is quite a lot more than could be reliably committed to memory without serious study.

(I will post a gist-of-it map this evening Real map is on its way now)

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:45 am
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
Ulric studies the map intently, looking for any obvious signs of forgery.

"It does appear to be an authentic map. But as you said it is incomplete. What would you say to 45 silver?"

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:00 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Lumbard narrows his eyes as he considers. For a long moment it seems he will reject Ulric's offer, but at last he breaks out a broad, happy smile.

"Sir," he addresses Ulric, "you are clearly a worthy scholar and an astute marketeer. I will accept your offer, for I have a notion that you gentlemen are of the sort who might make most handsome use of this document."

He puts his elbows on the table and leans closer, "And should that prove true, I reckon it that your good fortune may spell better prosperity for all of us here who are not Snorks, eh?"

He shakes hands with Ulric, exchanges the map for said coin, and unfurls his parting pleasantries in order to attend other business. "Be sure to call upon me whence you return," he petitions a number of times before he finally departs -- his security detachment in tow.

(I'll post the real map just as soon as I have drawn it [img]images/smiley/smiley.png[/img] )

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:52 pm
by waysoftheearth
verhaden wrote:
Mads the Fair

Mads considers for a moment and looks towards Ulric. "This is a queer situation. Lumbard is a man of money and can certainly afford the loyalty of men-at-arms--what does he stand to gain by selling us this map?" He scratches his beard. "Or rather, what does he avoid?"

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:53 am
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
"Indeed. It is also strange that he let it go for almost half of his original price. He may be looking for someone to do the dirty work of rooting out the Snork infestation in this town without becoming directly involved. Then again it could also be a trap. But one never wants to wander aimlessly without the aid of a map. We should be able to determine the true worth of this document in a few days travel."

Ulric settles into the booth and studies the map in more detail.

OOC: I'm assuming we have enough money to cover the 45 silver? Ulric can throw in 20-30 if need be, assuming it is an investment that will be repaid.

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:22 pm
by waysoftheearth
makofan wrote:
While Caine is broke, he is willing to pay his share of the map's cost out of his share of the treasure they are sure to find

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:04 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Anwyn watches Lumbard and his four security Men depart the Jolly Noose. With all the fuss of the hanging over, the tavern and town squares alike are beginning to slowly empty. Anway doesn't spot anybody else paying much attention to the group of outsiders gathered in the back booth.

Ulric lays the map out fully on the table before him, and examines it closely... those of you who are nearby are drawn to its beauty too, like moths to a flame...


( Note that a more detailed version (but bigger file) is available ... map1mb.pnghere )

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:09 pm
by waysoftheearth
verhaden wrote:
Mads the Fair

Patting at his pockets, Mads says to Ulric, "I'm a bit strapped for coin at the moment. But I'm good for it." His eyes wander over to the map ... map1mb.png ... "I do say, this looks promising."

(001) The Jolly Noose

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:29 pm
by waysoftheearth
billhooks wrote:
Is Ket on a river, and does it have a road that forks leading out of it?