[002] Dark Arches

Waysoftheearth's V1 Demo Game

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Post by mgtremaine » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:45 pm

[002] Dark Arches

mgtremaine wrote:
Tirandir slowly asses the situation trying to select his first target with some care, while waiting for Mot to act. If he happens to catch Jaras' eye while they approach he would hold up 1 finger and then jerk his thumb back towards the archway.

As soon as either Mot throws his oil or the kobold's look up Tirandir would fire into the camp trying to take out the the nearest kobold. He would then move back to the lower archway as quick as possible as turn and fire again at what he assumes will be a rushing mass.

OOC: Figuring the first shot is the surprise round, then the second shot would be 1st round, hopefully I'll get initiative. I might be trying to abuse the Elven move and shoot rules so handle as you will but I'm hoping to get a second shot off before having to deal with hand-to-hand.
[f=4]Wen the Pale, Elf Hero/Spellbinder (MV 12", AC 9, HD 4/2, hp 11/11, FC Hero, L) helm, bow[/f]
[f=47]Kiplyn Sorefoot, Hobbet Thief (Lv: 4 AC: 5 Hp 12) Leather+Shield+Dagger, Sling[/f]
[f=59]Tass Purrfoot (Agile Hobbet Varlet, MV 9′′, AC 7, HD 2, hp 8, FC 2 men, SV T7, N)[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:54 pm

[002] Dark Arches

doctorx wrote:
†delwynn returns his oil flask to his pack, a vaguely-offended look on his face, and returns to his watch of the rear, calling the rudiments of his magic to his mind once more, should they prove needful...
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:11 am

[002] Dark Arches

waysoftheearth wrote:
mgtremaine wrote:As soon as either Mot throws his oil or the kobold's look up Tirandir would fire into the camp trying to take out the the nearest kobold.
There might be some kobolds there, but most of the figures are much bigger.

mgtremaine wrote:OOC: Figuring the first shot is the surprise round, then the second shot would be 1st round, hopefully I'll get initiative. I might be trying to abuse the Elven move and shoot rules so handle as you will but I'm hoping to get a second shot off before having to deal with hand-to-hand.
This is exactly how the elvish move and fire is intended to work. Moving backward will be slower thou...
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

Posts: 2047
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Location: San Diego, Ca

Post by mgtremaine » Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:48 pm

[002] Dark Arches

mgtremaine wrote:
Then strike the word kobold and use "figure" [img]images/smiley/smiley.png[/img]. I also have no need to "back-peddle", I would just turn and run back to the archway and then setup for my last shot. (From my Chaotic point of view, Jaras was warned and Mot is clearly crazy [img]images/smiley/wink.png[/img] )

(Yikes ok this might get bloody)

[f=4]Wen the Pale, Elf Hero/Spellbinder (MV 12", AC 9, HD 4/2, hp 11/11, FC Hero, L) helm, bow[/f]
[f=47]Kiplyn Sorefoot, Hobbet Thief (Lv: 4 AC: 5 Hp 12) Leather+Shield+Dagger, Sling[/f]
[f=59]Tass Purrfoot (Agile Hobbet Varlet, MV 9′′, AC 7, HD 2, hp 8, FC 2 men, SV T7, N)[/f]

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:25 pm

[002] Dark Arches

Zenopus wrote:
Mot will attempt to hurl his flaming oil directly into the campfire. He will then duck and scamper back towards the arches.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:32 pm

[002] Dark Arches

verhaden wrote:

Gaspard stands ready, aside Vangelis, with his sling at the ready.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:45 pm

[002] Dark Arches

Cameron DuBeers wrote:
Dram (fighter) moves forward to support his friends. His plan remains: throw knives (as long as he has the time) and then melee with sword and board.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

Posts: 16921
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:35 pm

[002] Dark Arches

TheLeadershipGeek (SMKSensei) wrote:
Jaras stands ready with arrow notched, controlled breathing, aiming at the clearest/closest foe.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

Posts: 16921
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:53 am

[002] Dark Arches

waysoftheearth wrote:
Mot's enchanted kobold enthusiastically signals their arrival at the camp, but as the reptile-folk seated about the cauldron begin to turn and rise Mot is already launching his fiery flask, and Jaras and Tirandir their missiles.

The distance to the camp is too far for Mot's arm, but is oil flask bursts into a fiery conflagration that illuminates the chamber brightly for a moment, and causes the reptiles to jump back and squeal in alarm. At a moment's count there are nine of them -- but before they've even on their feet Jaras and Tirandir's missiles are flying into the camp! Jaras has a deadly aim, and he immediately drops one of the smaller reptiles, while Tirandir's missile drives into the hard-scaled chest of one of the larger lizards.

Mot's enchanted kobold squeals furiously at this sabotage, and turns about, skidding and snarling "Traitor!" at the magician.

But the trio are already scampering away!

There is no need to check for surprise, as the players already have the advantage.

Mot creates a streak of burning oil between the himself and the camp, which any pursuit will have to move around. Jaras and Tirandir make attack rolls 2d20=20,9, and both hit for 1d6=2 and 1d6=2 points.

Referee determines randomly whether lizardmen or kobolds are hit in the semi-dark (1-4=lizardmen, 5-6=kobolds 2d6=5, 1) and it is one of each. Kobold's hit points are rolled (1d6=1) 1 hit point, so it is slain. Lizardman's hit points are rolled (2d6+1=2,3) 6 hit points, so it is only injured.

With these hostilities, there is no need to roll for a reaction from the camp. Additionally, the enchanted kobold immediately makes an additional saving throw (1d20=20!) and it snaps free of the enchantment!

The surprise attack goes unanswered this round.

What next?
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

Posts: 16921
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:15 am
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by waysoftheearth » Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:21 pm

[002] Dark Arches

TheLeadershipGeek (SMKSensei) wrote:
(ooc) Assuming melee hasn't quite begun yet (/ooc)

Jaras, the stout hobbit, quickly notches another arrow and attempts to fall another before his friends' melee charge obscures his shot.

After taking his shot, assuming melee will ensue, he will put away his bow, unsheath his dagger and move as quietly and steathfully towards the fray as possible. Awaiting the opportunity.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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