(042) Midday at the Manse

Waysoftheearth's Hinterlands PBP

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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:24 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

sulldawga wrote:
tonneau wrote:"If our man Ulric here believes he has a chance or removing this manacle that may be the key to his sustained somnia, then I propose we allow him to try, while the rest of us use the time to prepare for Olafs expedition...and, perhaps - if time allows, of course - for a little tasting or two?" he adds with a brow raised at Dorgan.
Dorgan nods right back at The Gustave.

"I'd love ta sit down and strategery over a strong drink or seven, friend, but the Marrowstone is more important. The strength of an entire mountain lies within it, if'n I can figure out how ta unlock it."
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:40 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

tonneau wrote:
"Ah...right you are then", says Gustave with clear disappointment, "though I for one would prefer the company of a fine red than...a rock - not to belittle your marrowstone of course, I wish you the best of luck!"

He stands, refits his sword and nods to the company, "I will see about some supplies for the voyage then, we should be ready for a second trip to the cellars on the morrow and to leave for the hills in 2 days"
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:25 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

danhem wrote:
"Excellent," Ulric says. He places 5 gold coins on the table. "Here is what I can offer for the supplies."

"Olaf, can you see to the hiring of some guards and porters?" Ulric asks the warrior.

"I will locate Highbough and go to the library."
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:37 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

mushgnome wrote:
Highbough distantly recalls the name Copernicus, didn't Gustave mention him once or twice?

Do the notebooks make any mention of the sleeping dwarf or the marrowstone?
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:39 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

doctorx wrote:
Josiane finds herself a pleasant nook in the garden and sits, watching trees, sky, wildlife... grumbling two-headed hobbits poking around in the middle of the lawn... anything that might give her an insight into her White Lady's wishes as to her next course of action. [img]images/smiley/smiley.png[/img]
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:25 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

waysoftheearth wrote:
ehiker133 wrote: He then walks out to the back garden and begins probing the dirt with his dagger, trying to see if he can find the exact location of the lift opening.
The two-headed halfling potters about in the back garden, pressing a dirk into the ground experimentally here and there... after a quarter hour or so of this activity he locates a flat, round timber surface buried under a couple of inches of earth and grass. He marks out a circular perimeter of a 10ft round object....
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:36 am

(042) Midday at the Manse

tonneau wrote:
Gustave pockets Ulrics gold then heads out on the town, eyes sparkling with vim and armour (and hair) gleaming in the afternoon sun.

His first stop is Hans the armourer regarding his shield.

He will then considers seriously the issue of supplies for the trip ahead and, after some pondering, heads directly for a wine merchants.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:20 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

eris wrote:
Olaf, still lacking a bit of confidence, doesn't think he will inspire many followers, so he seeks out Dieter upon his return so the two of them can go together to hire a few men-at-arms and camp followers.

"Dieter, let's go see if we can hire some help for the expedition." Olaf says to the large warrior, "You are almost a legend already here in town, and having you do the hiring will get us better men than if any of the rest of us do it."
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:37 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

sulldawga wrote:
Outside of heading downstairs for meals, Dorgan will spend the rest of the day, and all night, in his room. He continues to search for the key to unlocking the Marrowstone.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:33 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

danhem wrote:
On his way out to the library, Ulric spots Josiane and approaches her.

"Would you be so kind as to accompany Gustave and assist him in acquiring supplies. He can often do with a bit of wisdom by his side."
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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