(042) Midday at the Manse

Waysoftheearth's Hinterlands PBP

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:50 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

doctorx wrote:
"If you believe it will be of help, Lord Ulric, I will be glad to do so," says Josiane with a smile, and she promptly sets off after Gustave, to assist him in his purchases.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:02 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

ehiker133 wrote:
Desmond gathers up several stones from the back garden area and uses them to mark the outline of the opening for future reference. He doesn't want to draw too much attention to it, but then again he doesn't want to set up a picnic table on the spot, either.

After that is done, he goes back inside to see what the plan is for the rest of the day.

He will happily go along with majority rule - either back down into the basement to finish what they've started or off to retrieve the cleric's documents.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:08 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

mushgnome wrote:
Highbough accompanies Ulric to the library and attempts to research Dispel Magic.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:48 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

waysoftheearth wrote:
mushgnome wrote:Highbough accompanies Ulric to the library and attempts to research Dispel Magic.
That might take a number of days...
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:52 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

mushgnome wrote:
waysoftheearth wrote:
mushgnome wrote:Highbough accompanies Ulric to the library and attempts to research Dispel Magic.
That might take a number of days...
In that case, Plan B: he will research any loose ends he didn't understand in the craftsman's journal. Did he find anything in there about marrowstones or dark dwarfs?
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:20 am

(042) Midday at the Manse

danhem wrote:
Ulric brings the copied engravings from the dwarf's shackle as well as his usual collection of books, scrolls, journals, parchment, pens, etc. His primary order of business is to try to translate the mysterious markings. If that is finished quickly he will assist Highbough with the craftsman journal. If there is time to spare he will investigate his own scruffy, leather bound journal.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:52 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

waysoftheearth wrote:
Very well.

The company undertake their various tasks.

Dorgan retires to his room with the Marrowstone, treating it as an infant child.

Josiane follows Gustave into town on his shopping trip in order to secure adequate supplies. These goods can be had at the market stalls... please list what you want to purchase -- remembering that all goods cost 133% the list price in Ket at the moment.

Olaf and Dieter search for hirelings. Tradesmen and dogsbodies can be found along Bow street. Caravan guards and such mercenary "protection" can be contacted at the Jolly Noose. What kind of rates/reward are they offering?

Desmond marks out his stones in the garden, then awaits the others at the manse.

Highbough and Ulric head to the concourse library; Highbough will study the golem-maker's journal while Ulric tries to solve the mystery of the dwarf-shackle.

I will report on Dorgan, Highbough and Ulric's progress tonight...
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:39 am

(042) Midday at the Manse

tonneau wrote:
"Ah, afternoon my dear" says Gustave when Josiane catches him on his walk, "to what do I owe the esteemed pleasure of your company?" he enquires with a charming grin.

Without wait for a reply, he continues, "Now, I am glad you are here, perhaps you can ratify my contemplations on a menu for our tour of the country", he says, strolling forth and placing a gentle arm at the warrior maidens back to usher her forward, "I thought perhaps hard cheese is preferable - one must make sacrifices after all and something like a decent cheddar will have longevity on its side. The thing I am most concerned about however - and perhaps you have some wisdom you can help me with on this - is; do we go for wine skins, or barrels? The latter are of course more robust, but portability could be an issue. But the thought of streams of St August 1223 wasting themselves though arrow-holed skins makes my very heart seize in anguish..." he finishes with a look of genuine concern on his (roguishly handsome) face.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:47 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

doctorx wrote:
"I fear barrels will prove beyond us, Lord Gustave," says Josiane with a rueful smile; "and that water might be our most prudent - and economical - choice for the trials ahead."

She will lend both her wisdom and her charm to negotiations for appropriate supplies, seeking to ensure the company will be well-supplied for the journey at the most economical rate that can be bartered.

Hopefully her squire years will stand her in good stead here. [img]images/smiley/smiley.png[/img]

She also recalls that Murphy the Mule stands ready to serve. He might prove to be of great help with lugging supplies through the wilderness.

How much does animal feed cost, ways?
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:11 pm

(042) Midday at the Manse

waysoftheearth wrote:
The Traders' Concourse
Ulric and Highbough

Highbough and Ulric once more pay a silver piece each and descend once more to the basement archives -- the near-blind old librarian is getting so accustomed to their company that he pays them no particular mind.

The pair spend the remainder of the day lost in their research. (1d6; ulric=5, highbough=1) By the time their candles and oil lanterns are sputtering for fuel, and the concourse has long since closed its doors for the day, the mystery of the golem-maker's journal still eludes Highbough's inquiries.

However, Ulric has learned much about the marking on the enchanted manacle. The script seems to be a curious variation of the Antediluvian markings which convey (albeit somewhat cryptically) that the manacle is bound with a sorcery for uninterrupted slumbering and that a simple opening spell will be required to release the manacle.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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