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Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:30 pm
by waysoftheearth
The whole of the company assemble briefly in the slime-flushed infirmary (with a bare minimum of knocking hobbit heads on walls and ceilings) whereupon Invisible Highbough volunteers to slip out into the dark, silent passage to check up on the safety of the route back...


Aside from ominous creaking and dull thuds coming from somewhere below ground, the wily old Elf is able to quietly stroll the abbey passages unhindered, the short way back to the lobby, where upon he sees the place seemingly undisturbed since his last visit. The door to the abbey hangs ajar, and beyond a silver-blue dusk blankets the surrounds.

His sharp ear fixes upon the chirp and buzz of night insects, and the intermittent hooting of an owl somewhere outside...

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:24 am
by mushgnome
Highbough will take a few deep breaths of the night air, listening if the owl is trying to communicate something or just hooting. If nothing strange happens, he will return to the others and sound the "all clear."

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:14 pm
by doctorx
"Envongr's owl!" Josiane exclaims; "The poor thing must still be out there!"

A determined look settles across her face.

"We must rescue it, if possible."

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:42 pm
by Tonneau
Gustave strides out into the evening light (armour gleaming a deep turquoise, reflected in his streaming locks), making sure to duck his three heads below the jam of the gate en route.

"Ha ha! smell the fresh air my blinded bicepahilc buddies!", he announces, "It is good to be out of that unholy pit."

Noting the darkening hue of the sky, he adds "I fear my eyes will soon be as useful as yours though my friend - we should make haste from here ere true darkness enfolds us. I for one would rather chance the wilds than another night in this place."

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:02 pm
by doctorx
Josiane is looking about concernedly, trying her best to make reassuring, 'come-hither' owl-noises...

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:15 pm
by ehiker133
"What does the abbey look like now, Gustave? Does it still have its glamour? Or did we take it away when we destroyed that horrible contraption?" Desmond asks, as he turns his head in the direction (he thinks) of the abbey (unfortunately, he's off by about 90 degrees).

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:58 pm
by Eris
Olaf says to Dieter, "Here, let me carry him. I'm less useful in a fight without my armor, and that way you'll be unencumbered."

If Dieter aggrees, Olaf puts the halfling on his back, piggy back style, "Oof! One of you has bad breath." he comments.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:39 pm
by ehiker133
Eris wrote:Olaf says to Dieter, "Here, let me carry him. I'm less useful in a fight without my armor, and that way you'll be unencumbered."

If Dieter aggrees, Olaf puts the halfling on his back, piggy back style, "Oof! One of you has bad breath." he comments.
Desmond, from the back of Gustave, replies, "hmmmm..." then quickly tilts his head to the side, smacking Mondes in the ear.

"Ow! Ge'er off me, ya nit!" grumbles Mondes.

"Must be Rufus, then, 'cause I've still got Modes over here," Desmond finishes with a chuckle.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:44 pm
by coffee
Eris wrote:Olaf says to Dieter, "Here, let me carry him. I'm less useful in a fight without my armor, and that way you'll be unencumbered."

If Dieter aggrees, Olaf puts the halfling on his back, piggy back style, "Oof! One of you has bad breath." he comments.
"Good thinking," Dieter says, handing over his diminutive charge.

He then draws his sword, takes a few steps from the others, and scans the environs seeking any sign of a threat.

Re: (052) Reckoning the Abbey

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:02 pm
by sully
Dorgan will counsel, "I think we oughtta camp within the walls of the monastery, if not inside the buildings. There are wolves (and worse prob'ly) that walk the night. At least in here, we'll know our enemy should it poke its head thru that portal again."

Dorgan will keep one eye out if they should pass by any corpses with salvageable boots.