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(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:03 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Josiane, Ulric and Highbough; The Concourse Lobby

Highbough vanishes once more into the depths of his hood, his bright eyes smouldering (the very image of Darth Maul), allowing the concierge to recover enough of his composure to answer Ulric's question.

"Why, the Concourse is crowded with Traders. Doubtless you passed by a dozen of them on the plaza as you entered herein."

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:39 am
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
Ulric turns to Highbough.

"Very well. Let's find this Trade Eduard. Do you know where we might find him?" Ulric asks the concierge.

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:22 am
by waysoftheearth
tombowings wrote:
waysoftheearth wrote:Pelenwin; The Deacon's Study

The Deacon's office is a rather spacious, but bare stone chamber. The fireplace is unlit, so it is cool... bordering on cold inside. A single, narrow window admits light, its glass pane grubby for want of cleaning.

The Deacon himself is seated behind a broad desk of dark timber in an equally dark and unadorned chair. These furnishings look even more aged that he. The walls behind him are covered with high cases of books and tomes... it is a most impressive collection.

Pelenwin spies Wibert's dagger upon the desk, near to a pile of dusty old tomes and scrolls, and a half emptied bottle of brandy.

"Ah, our good Armiger, Pelenwin," says the Deacon with a curl of the lip which might -- if Pelenwin didn't know better -- be half a smile. "I trust your meditations have brought the wisdom you sought?"

(While tombowings was away, Pelenwin had entered a "retreat" to meditate upon his future course in life; would he continue to risk life and limb as a Knight errant? Or would he "retire" to a more sensible life? This is what the Deacon is asking about...)
Pelenwin looks at the Deacon. "I am sorry to say that a number of distractions have brought unease and clouded what wisdom would otherwise be wrought within these walls." Pelenwin pauses.

Spotting the dagger, he says, "Oh, is that Wilbert's, my previous companion's, dagger. What luck have you had with it?" After waiting for an answer and offering to deliver it to its owner, Pelenwin goes into his primary objective.

"With regards to my wisdom, I have seem only rustled soil and bone. I, of course, speak now of the upturned graves. The dead deserve better, father, and more I feel something grim is at work here. What do you know of it, father. I must put my curiosity to rest. And do not hide the truth from me. Only that will ease my wandering mind."

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:24 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Pelenwin; The Deacon's Study

"This dagger belongs to another?" the Deacon seem surprised, and displeased. "I had been allowed to believe it was recovered by yourself on one of your fool hardy adventures," he continues, sourly, "But now I see that I was deceived."

He pushes the knife toward Pelenwin with the absolutely minimum expenditure of effort. "It is an Elvish thing, a Blade of Goch Gwyddyl if I am not mistaken, so I don't doubt it belongs in the hands of one of these companions of yours. Take it."

He rises from his chair uncomfortably, and then shuffles about to rid his old bones of stiffness. "Have a care, young Armiger," he says with a meaningful stare, "not to trust these half-Men you call friends too completely. They have their own purpose, and it is not the deliverance of Men from evil, of that I can assure you."

The Deacon shuffles over to the narrow, grubby window and gazes out over the ochre roofs of Ket.

"Yes, I am aware of the grave robbers," he grumbles with a dismissive wave of his hand, "It is an unspeakable crime, I know. I have assigned a brother to keep vigil over the boneyard by night from the bell tower, and we have several times seen the felons and reported them to the watch, but by the time they arrive the crime is ever done. What more can an old Deacon do? I have monks, not militia, and all my worthy templars are gallivanting about the countryside!"

He looks back at Pelenwin and stares for a long, calculating moment.

"Perhapsss, you could put these... friends... of yours to a worthy use, and catch these grave robbers yourself? Now that would be a Knightly mission..."

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:48 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Josiane, Ulric and Highbough; The Concourse Lobby

"The Traders' Council will commence in the main audience chamber at the mid-morning bell, in less than half an hour I'd say. All the Traders will be there... well, all those who have business grievances to air, and that is rarely fewer than every last one of them." The concierge tells Ulric.

It is apparent from the steady stream of well-to-do merchants mingling and passing to and fro at the other end of the grand lobby, that the audience chamber must be at the other end of the hall...

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:36 pm
by waysoftheearth
doctorx wrote:
If Ulric and Highbough are happy with her plan Josiane will spend her time waiting for the library to open by watching the comings and goings of the Traders.

She has a particular eye for the Goblins among them, and keeps her ears open for any mention of the name Grumolg...

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:44 pm
by waysoftheearth
tombowings wrote:
waysoftheearth wrote:Pelenwin; The Deacon's Study

"This dagger belongs to another?" the Deacon seem surprised, and displeased. "I had been allowed to believe it was recovered by yourself on one of your fool hardy adventures," he continues, sourly, "But now I see that I was deceived."

He pushes the knife toward Pelenwin with the absolutely minimum expenditure of effort. "It is an Elvish thing, a Blade of Goch Gwyddyl if I am not mistaken, so I don't doubt it belongs in the hands of one of these companions of yours. Take it."

He rises from his chair uncomfortably, and then shuffles about to rid his old bones of stiffness. "Have a care, young Armiger," he says with a meaningful stare, "not to trust these half-Men you call friends too completely. They have their own purpose, and it is not the deliverance of Men from evil, of that I can assure you."

The Deacon shuffles over to the narrow, grubby window and gazes out over the ochre roofs of Ket.

"Yes, I am aware of the grave robbers," he grumbles with a dismissive wave of his hand, "It is an unspeakable crime, I know. I have assigned a brother to keep vigil over the boneyard by night from the bell tower, and we have several times seen the felons and reported them to the watch, but by the time they arrive the crime is ever done. What more can an old Deacon do? I have monks, not militia, and all my worthy templars are gallivanting about the countryside!"

He looks back at Pelenwin and stares for a long, calculating moment.

"Perhapsss, you could put these... friends... of yours to a worthy use, and catch these grave robbers yourself? Now that would be a Knightly mission..."
"Yes, Father," Pelenwin says, picking up the dagger. "But do not forget that I do not belong to your order. The Knights of the Seal are defenders of the civilized realm. We understand what must be done and who must be associated with in order to protect your precious monks."

Pelenwin takes a breath, his anger rising, "I make no mistake that what I do is not always honorable, but do not insult my duties to Seyal. A hoard of ogre and thrall of bandits no longer threatens Ket. What would you rather consider a worthy task for a Knight than ridding the countryside of villains? This is not rhetorical, Father. Please. Speak. I wish to please you."

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:03 pm
by waysoftheearth
mushgnome wrote:
Not all wisdom is found in books. Highbough keeps his mouth shut and observes the influx of Traders. He will lurk in the shadows of the Lobby, listening and watching. He studies the Traders' interactions to judge who is most influential and if there are any disputes or rivalries between factions.

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:48 am
by waysoftheearth
danhem wrote:
"My thanks," Ulric says to the concierge as he lays a silver shilling down on the man's desk.

"Perhaps we will see you inside," Ulric then says to Josiane. "If not we will meet up later this evening."

Ulric goes with Highbough toward the audience chamber. He watches the proceedings carefully and keeps an ear out for the name of Eduard hoping to put a face to the name.

(032) Another Day in Ket

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:38 am
by waysoftheearth
heartless wrote:
Wibert ties to listen to what is said between the Deacon and Pelenwin, without been seen by those within. He is excited to hear news about his dagger, but keeps quiet outside.