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(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:33 pm
by waysoftheearth
Guest wrote:
Nidhogg will start pulling Koch up with the rope.

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:47 pm
by waysoftheearth
Professor P wrote:
KOCH continues climbing using the foot and hand holds that Nidhogg pointed out, the spikes, and with the help of Nidhogg's pulling.

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:45 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
With another lengthy exertion, Nidhogg assists Koch up through the tiny crawlspace. The Man scarcely fits through the ragged hole, but for Nidhogg's tireless strength he may not have been able to pull himself through at all.

Free at last, the two of them then sit, resting for a moment on a narrow ledge which overlooks a great canyon. It is, apparently, a cold, grey dawn. The air is chilly and wet, and there is water on the rocks. Perhaps it rained recently?

After a few minutes to regain their breath, it appears that the pair will either have to scale the wall at their backs some 20 feet further to attain the lip of the ravine... or else clamber down some 60 feet to reach the ravine floor.

Nearby and overhead, they see a great stony shadow -- which must be the underside of the broken bridge which connects the two gatehouses... and following its course across the gap, they see the opposite keep squatting in the gloom at the edge of that rocky precipice.

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:26 pm
by waysoftheearth
Professor P wrote:
With a big stretch, KOCH smiles, "It's great to be outdoors again. I was never sure I'd be free again. Thank you Nidhogg."

KOCH glances about and realizes he has no clue where he is. "Do you have any idea where your friends would be?"

While he waits for Nidhogg to get his bearings, KOCH will search the nearby area for small pools of water, making sure to keep cover from prying eyes.

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:42 pm
by waysoftheearth
Guest wrote:
Nidhogg will point along the canyon toward the open plains. "Out there somewhere in the grass. Which do you favor up or down?."

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:54 pm
by waysoftheearth
Professor P wrote:
KOCH shrugs, "May as well keep going up. Lead the way."

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:54 am
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
Nidhogg leads on, and fairy easily (compared to the cave climbing) scampers up the ravine face, which soon shallows off to a mere steep walk. Koch follows the intrepid Dwarf more cautiously, but soon the pair of them have ascended and find themselves standing upon the edge of the great ravine. Only a dozen or so yards away is one of the gatehouse walls... a bleak structure of weather beaten dark stone. Not far along that is the arch from which the broken bridge extends partially over the ravine. All this is not so easy to see as it might be, for a cool morning mist seems to hang lazily all about the keep...

The pair soon figure that they must have crawled out from under the keep and come up behind it.

There is no sight nor sound of any activity within the keep, nor in the desolate lands about it...

What now?

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:07 pm
by waysoftheearth
Guest wrote:
"We should use this mist to obscure us. Let's circle wide of the gatehouse and into the plain to rejoin our party."

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:04 pm
by waysoftheearth
Professor P wrote:
"Agreed, I'd rather not become a captive again. There is strength in numbers."

KOCH coils his makeshift rope and places it in his pack. He'll shoulder his shield and hold the bow and an arrow at the ready as he follows Nidhogg.

(016) Of Knaves and Men

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:54 pm
by waysoftheearth
waysoftheearth wrote:
(...the story continues in thread (017))