Character Generation

Moderators: ehiker133, waysoftheearth

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Post by waysoftheearth » Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:56 am

Character Generation

Ability Scores
(Including women) may replace any one ability die with a 6 except that doing so must not make an 18.

Adjust add 1 to each odd die in intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity to a maximum adjusted score of 17, but subtract 1 from each even die in strength and constitution.

Adjust add 1 to each odd die in constitution to a maximum adjusted score of 17), but subtract 1 from each even die in charisma.

Replace this: They are adept at evading large, clumsy enemies and suffer only half damage from foes such as ogres and giants.
With this: Due to their small stature dwarfs are adept at evading large, clumsy enemies such as giants; these suffer a -4 attack penalty against them.
Note: does not apply to ogres (as these aren't properly "giant"-sized).

Add 1 to each odd die in dexterity to a maximum adjusted score of 17, but subtract 1 from each even die in strength and constitution.

Add this: Due to their small stature halflings are adept at evading large, clumsy enemies such as giants; these suffer a -4 attack penalty against them.

Additionally determines the number of starting spells for magic-using-types (including magic-users and warlocks). These will begin with a spell book containing as many spells as the number of languages they know due to intelligence. Read Magic will always be present. I will determine which other spells are present randomly with any duplicates being granted as spell scrolls.

See also: Languages of the Hinterlands. Note that you need not choose all your languages up front; you can choose them as play progresses.

Additionally determines the number of starting spells for clerical-types (including clerics and templars).

These will begin with a spell book as per magical-type, but will use their wisdom score -2 to determine the number of spells it contains.

Starting Hit Points
Your first HD will always yield 5 or 6 hit points; any roll less than 6 yields 5.

All HD are re-rolled after an uninterrupted night of safe bed rest at an inn, or similar (i.e., between adventures).

Race and Class

Players can elect to play Men (see: Ability Scores, above), Elves, Dwarfs, Halflings, or (possibly) other Man-Types by agreement with the referee.

Players can select as their class: Fighters, Magic-Users, or Thieves. Men (male and female) only can also be Templars.

Clerics and other classes are playable by arrangement with the referee (some we've had to date include Elvish Templars, Marksmen, Alchemists, and Warlocks).

If you intend to play a magical- or clerical-type (including a templar) then you will almost certainly want to be literate! See: Languages of the Hinterlands.

Dual-classed characters are allowed, but as soon as a character becomes dual-classed any XP earned thereafter is always divided evenly between his classes even if he can no longer advance in a class (per the OD&D rule introduced in Greyhawk).

Starting Purse
The silver piece is the basic unit of trade and also the basic unit of earning XP.

1 gp = 6 sp = 36 cp

All PCs begin with ordinary clothing, a backpack, rations for one week, a water skin and a coin purse containing approximately 21-126 (2d6x10 + 1d6) silver pieces worth of coin.

The referee will roll your starting coin purse along with your ability scores.

Additionally, each player will be granted a starting boon according to race and class. Your boon may be worth a small fortune -- or scarcely two coppers, depending on how fate smiles upon you.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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