(075) A War Footing!

Waysoftheearth's Hinterlands PBP

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Post by mgtremaine » Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:27 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

Alfwin smiles and shakes Menno hand. "A pleasure to meet you, I am Alfwin. I have a feel the group you seeking is congregating right here, odd as that seems, but I have it on higher authority." Alfwin would make a curious gesture with one hand that seems to invoke the unseen. "Greetings also to you fine Dwarves and Hobbet, man you might Templar, is there a sense that perhaps we have been drawn together to seeking out this Den of Evil, and perhaps even find a gold coin or two?" Alfwin would wink in the direction of Gunt.
[f=4]Wen the Pale, Elf Hero/Spellbinder (MV 12", AC 9, HD 4/2, hp 11/11, FC Hero, L) helm, bow[/f]
[f=47]Kiplyn Sorefoot, Hobbet Thief (Lv: 4 AC: 5 Hp 12) Leather+Shield+Dagger, Sling[/f]
[f=59]Tass Purrfoot (Agile Hobbet Varlet, MV 9′′, AC 7, HD 2, hp 8, FC 2 men, SV T7, N)[/f]

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Post by sully » Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:26 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

The Herald says, You flatter me, um... Lady Gertrude. I am not that important. I am simply the Herald of Man. I exist in service to almighty Thuul to rid the world of those beasts and abominations that threaten Mankind. As it turns out, the goblins who so recently sacked Ket are a threat to the good dwarfs and hobbets of the world as well. Thus, I have a proposition for you all. Let us unite in our hatred of evil and assist the recovery of Ket by sacking this goblin fort and cutting their lines of supply.

Turning to Gunter, the priest says, I have a few silvers to spare for any Man, dwarf, or hobbet who hungers or thirsts. I only ask that you join this righteous band in return.
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by Eris » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:12 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

"Call it a loan, Man." Gunter says, "I'll pay you back from the treasure we're going to take from those Snorks. Just point me in the direction of the nearest inn!"
Gunt will be busy eating and drinking for a bit, then he'll be ready to "whomp some Gobos!"
[f=4]Manfreid the Fighter (MV 9", AC 3/5, HD 1+2, hp 10/10, FC Man+1, N) silver mail+helm, sword+shield[/f]

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Post by sully » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:32 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

The Herald gives Gunter two silver pieces.

Is there anyone else in need?
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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Post by Tonneau » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:51 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

sully wrote:The Herald says, You flatter me, um... Lady Gertrude. I am not that important. I am simply the Herald of Man. I exist in service to almighty Thuul to rid the world of those beasts and abominations that threaten Mankind. As it turns out, the goblins who so recently sacked Ket are a threat to the good dwarfs and hobbets of the world as well. Thus, I have a proposition for you all. Let us unite in our hatred of evil and assist the recovery of Ket by sacking this goblin fort and cutting their lines of supply.
Is there anyone else in need?
"Oooh Lady is it now, well havent you a silver tongue on you to go with your silver suit Sir Herald. But if you are buying ill happily join you for a drink, and if this lot is headed for more coin ill happily tag along."
She glances over her shoulder at the tent from which she recently issued, "Ill warrant my welcome here is beginning to wear thin anyway hee hee", she adds with a chuckle that the many wrinkles on her face say is not her first.
[f=59]Wraislin [Intellectual Conjurer, MV 12′′, AC 9, HD 2, hp 8, FC 2 men, SV M3, N] [/f]

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Post by ehiker133 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:54 am

Re: (075) A War Footing!

Leudigar greets each of the newcomers with a nod and a smile.

After all have been assembled, he says, "We've a few days of marching to get to this goblin fort, from what I understand. Everyone should prepare themselves accordingly - food, water, arrows, torches. I've enough silver left to rub two coins together, but I've a mind to pick up at least one more water skin before I leave the comforts of camp. No idea how readily we'll find it along the way."

"An hour should give anyone ample time for final preparations. Let's meet back here then and be off."

Leudigar tracks down a merchant with a supply of water skins and buys one more. He happens to spy a bag of glass marbles on the seller's table and buys it, as well, thinking it might be useful if they find themselves evading rather than fighting.
Leudigar spends his last two silver on an extra waterskin and a bag of marbles. He makes sure both waterskins are full before the party heads off into the hinterlands.
[f=47]Dougal Blackfoot (MV 9", AC 6, Lvl 4, HP 10/10) [/f]
[f=59]Goldwen (Sagacious* Abbess, MV 9′′, AC 6, HD 2+1, HP 9, FC 2 men, SV C3, L][/f]

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Post by Eris » Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:45 am

Re: (075) A War Footing!

"Thanks!" Gunt says after biting down on each silver piece to make sure they are real, "Now remember, I'll pay you back after we steal...ur, I mean...retrieve some coin from Snorks or Orcs or some other evil creatures. Right!"
[f=4]Manfreid the Fighter (MV 9", AC 3/5, HD 1+2, hp 10/10, FC Man+1, N) silver mail+helm, sword+shield[/f]

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Post by waysoftheearth » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:43 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

Let's get underway.

Firstly, some formalities:

* I will need both Gerthrude the Medium and Faengol the Elf Medium to indicate on their record sheets which spell will be memorised for the overland component of this venture.

* I will need a wilderness marching order for the initial overland trek. You can discuss the options here in this thread, then have one player (perhaps your Caller?) post the resulting marching order here.

* You will need some hit-points! Here they are:

5 # choose([4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6]) → [5, 4, 4, 4, 5]
Menno the Fighter 1+2 HD = 7 hp
Fendrel the Fighter 1+2 HD = 6 hp
Dopey the Hobbet Fighter 1+3 HD = 7 hp
Faengol the Elf Medium 1 HD = 4 hp
Karl the Fighter 1+2 HD = 7 hp

1 # choose([4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5]) + choose([1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) → 7 *
Leudigar the Tracker 2-2 HD = 7 hp

6 # choose([4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6]) → [4, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5]
Brother Alfwin 1 HD = 4 hp
Brother Herald 1 HD = 4 hp
Wetzel the Fighter 1+2 HD = 7 hp
Boggs the Dwarf Mouser 1 HD = 6 hp
Gerthrude the Medium 1 HD = 4 hp
Gunter the Dwarf Fighter 1+2 HD = 7 hp

Curiously, nobody scores exactly 5 hp, or above 7 hp :shock:

* A note on Ranger Hit Dice: A tracker begins with 2-2 HD, being two throws of 1-1 with a minimum of 1 hp per die. However, Hinterlands has it that the first die must always yield at least 4 hp. So the possible results from a tracker's 1st die are [4,4,4,4,4,5] and from his 2nd die are [1,1,2,3,4,5]. Range of 5-10, with a mean just below 7 hp.
[f=32]Golgildir the Elf Medium (MV 12", AC 9, HD 1, hp 1/1, AL N) great cloak, lantern; spells: color spray; scrolls: sleep, sleep, charm person
Hirelings: Georges; torch[/f]

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Post by mushgnome » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:49 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

Boggs greets each of the newcomers with great enthusiasm if not formal courtesy. "I spent my last copper back in Ket; I am on board with any plan to earn more! My bags are already packed and I am ready to leave."
[f=59]Stern (Strong Hero, MV 9′′, AC 3, HD 4, hp 20, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, L)[/f]

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Post by riftstone » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:12 pm

Re: (075) A War Footing!

"And would an elf be welcome in this motley crew? I find myself in need of traveling companions and the more brave and bold, the better."

A slender hooded man steps forward, wearing the greens and browns of the earth. He leans on a white staff of oak. His hood falls away to reveal a mane of ghostly-white, but an ageless face. Only the glitter in his eyes give away his elvish youth.

"Fear not, for I can pay my own way. I am Faengol the Whitemantle, of late from the Ivory Wold, what you would call the Wild Wood."
added my HP and memorized spell on the character sheet

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