Sullivus, Human Magic-User

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Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:56 pm

Post by sully » Fri May 23, 2014 1:53 am

Sullivus, Human Magic-User

.~-= Sullivus the Apprentice Mage =-~.

Race : Man
Alignment : Neutral

Class & Levels : Magic-User 1
Experience Points : 0

Normal/Heroic: Normal

Sullivus does not resemble your average mage. No flowing robes, no pointy hats with stars and moons on it, no iconic staff. Traveling with the Grey Hart will toughen a Man. He wears utilitarian clothes, sturdy boots, and always keeps a dagger handy. The weather usually dictates he keep his cloak wrapped tightly around his body, hood pulled up to ward off the omnipresent chill of the Moors.

STR : 12 (doors 5-6, load limits 75/100/150/225)
INT : 12 (4 languages, 4 starting spells)
WIS : 15 (+2 PR)
DEX : 09 (--)
CON : 14 (100% shock survival)
CHA : 09 (4 retainers)

Armour Class : 9/9 (front/rear)
Hit Dice : 1
Hit Points : 4/4
Saving Throws :
Poison: 13
Wands & Rays: 14
Paralysis & Petrification: 13
Breath Weapon: 16
Spells: 15

Backpack, leather (worn, --)
Cloak, traveling (worn, 5 lb)
Lantern (carried, 5 lb)
Dagger (in hand, 2 lb)
Dagger x3 (on bandoleer across chest, 6 lb)
Oil, flask x2 (on belt, 10 lb)
Waterskin (on belt, 5 lb)
Sack, small (in backpack, empty, --)
Mirror, steel (in backpack, 1 lb)
Oil, flask x3 (in backpack, 15 lb)
Rations, iron (in backpack, 5/7 lb)
Tinderbox (in backpack, --)

Load carried: 54 lb
Movement: 12"

47 gp

Read Magic
Color Spray (memorized)
Fog Wall
Protection from Evil
Thanis [Stealthy Hero, MV 12′′, AC 7, HD 4, hp 16, FC 4 men/hero, SV F4, N]. Hooded cloak, padded armor, sword, longbow +1 & quiver of arrows, dagger.

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