Delving Deeper V1 Boxed Set

A second post in the short history of DD: this one about the DD V1 Boxed Set.

The Boxed Set

Shortly after #DelvingDeeper appeared in PDF format Brave Halfling Press launched the Delving Deeper boxed set, in December 2012, as the physical manifestation of the #DelvingDeeper project.

I don’t personally own a set, but have gathered the following from public information posted by the producer and fans who own sets.

The Box

The whole product was packaged in an excellent, digest-sized box entitled “Delving Deeper” with the subtitle “Original Edition Roleplaying Game” and featured super impressive cover art by Mark Allen.

Delving Deeper Boxed Set by Brave Halfling Press. Image courtesty of +Bill Lackey.
Delving Deeper Boxed Set by Brave Halfling Press. (Picture courtesy of +Bill Lackey).

Five Booklets

The content of the #DelvingDeeper Boxed Set by Brave Halfling Press comprised five saddle-stapled, digest-sized booklets entitled:

  • Volume I: Forging a Hero, 28pp
  • Volume II: Codex of the Divine and the Arcane, 36pp
  • Volume III: Index of the Fiendish and the Malign, 44pp
  • Volume IV: Vault of Treasures, 24pp
  • Volume V: Delving Deeper and Blazing New Trails, 38pp
Five booklets and the box
The Delving Deeper box and the five booklets it contained. (Picture courtesy of +Bill Lackey).

The #DelvingDeeper boxed set booklets were a re-organised presentation of #DelvingDeeperReferenceRules V1 content. The tables generally looked nicer and, unlike the #DelvingDeeperReferenceRules, the Delving Deeper boxed set booklets were fully illustrated by Mark Allen.

The back cover of each booklet states “Special Limited Edition Boxed Set – December 2012”.

Bundled Freebies

Brave Halfling Press bundled various freebies with the Delving Deeper boxed set throughout the course of its pre-ordering and fulfillment, including those pictured below:

The boxed set, booklets, and additional freebies provided by Brave Halfling Press. (Picture courtesy of +Todd Jolly).

Note especially the Blackmarsh booklet (bottom center) and also the Delving Deeper V1 Errata (bottom left).

Thanks to +Andreas Davour for some of the above details about the boxed set.

See also: Delving Deeper V1 + V2