The Story So Far: Delving Deeper V1+V2 Delving Deeper Boxed Set And then there was… Version Three The Prelude to V3 V3 was preceded by John Adam’s pivotal decision on 17th March, 2013 (shortly after the release of V2) to publicly hand over stewardship of the Delving Deeper name and game to myself. V3 would… Continue reading Delving Deeper V3
Tag: Delving Deeper
Delving Deeper V1 Boxed Set
A second post in the short history of DD: this one about the DD V1 Boxed Set. The Boxed Set Shortly after #DelvingDeeper appeared in PDF format Brave Halfling Press launched the Delving Deeper boxed set, in December 2012, as the physical manifestation of the #DelvingDeeper project. I don’t personally own a set, but have… Continue reading Delving Deeper V1 Boxed Set
The Number of Monsters
An opportunity for improvement for the next iteration of #DelvingDeeper is in the number of monsters appearing. #DelvingDeeper V4 assumes around 8 players, whereas recent polls show that 4-6 players is now the norm. According to the original game, a group of 4-6 players can expect to run into 2-12 bandits, goblins, orcs (or similar)… Continue reading The Number of Monsters
Delving Deeper V1 + V2
Version One #DelvingDeeper first appeared in October 2012, some 10 months after I joined the team, as three digest-sized booklets comprising the so-called #DelvingDeeperReferenceRules. These were immediately available as PDFs at no cost–and still are today. The #DelvingDeeperReferenceRules V1 comprise: Volume I: The Adventurer’s Handbook Volume II: The Referee’s Guide Volume III: The Monster and Treasure… Continue reading Delving Deeper V1 + V2
Here’s a Thing
(That’s never likely to be seen beyond this post). So what the frig is Eyre Tor?? Or more appropriately, what was it? Way back–before I’d ever heard of the #DelvingDeeper project–I apparently had a bit of time on my hands. Around 2007-2008, I was running a D&D campaign that included face-to-face play with a couple… Continue reading Here’s a Thing